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Analysis of the Impacts of Slow Steaming for Distant Economies

Cover_219_TPT_Analysis of the Impacts of Slow Steaming for Distant Economies
Published Date December 2019
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Transportation Working Group (TPTWG)
Accessed 3758
Pages 165
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This report examines the economic and environmental impacts of slow steaming - also referred to as vessel speed reduction (VSR) for distant economies, addressing the issue from a shipper´s/trade point of view. The study explains the various parameters that need to be considered when evaluating slow steaming and what the environmental and economic impacts are across a varied vessel types, fleet, distance, and cargo. This economic impact analysis is based on total annual trade in 2017 (full year volume) between the long-distance economies’ pairs (export and import economies), in both total volume in kilos and value in US dollars, for dry bulk and containerized cargoes.