APEC Revitalizes Logo
After reviewing proposals that were submitted as a result of an open bid process, Senior Officials approved the new logo at their third meeting in July. The new logo was presented to Leaders and Ministers a few months later when they met in Sydney.
Originally adopted in 1991, the globe-shaped green, blue and white APEC logo was refreshed in 2007 to make it more compatible with a wider range of applications. Specifically, the logo was updated to meet the requirements that new media need - a format that was not yet developed when the logo was first created. The logo will be used in all mediums including print and all electronic formats.
New guidelines were developed in 2007 which provide standards for the use of the APEC Logo. They also includes guides for applications of various materials for programs or projects supported by APEC. Should you not find a topic relevant to your needs, please contact the APEC Secretariat at [email protected].