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Protecting Developing Economies from Cyber Attack - Assistance to Build Regional Cyber Security Preparedness

Singapore | 18 March 2003
Creating new Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) to protect against cyber-attack will be the focus of the APEC CERT Seminar in Kuala Lumpur on 22 - 23 March.
The vulnerability of business and government computer infrastructure to cyber attack, particularly in developing economies, will also be a key issue at the meeting.
Director of the Information Technology Security Policy Office at the Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry in Japan, Mr Hidetoshi Ohno, has described the protection of internet and computer systems in the Asia Pacific as critical to the region's economic stability and security.
"Over recent years internet attacks have been increasing in frequency, sophistication and scale," said Mr Ohno.
"APEC's free trade and investment goals are at risk of being undermined by the activities of cyber criminals, terrorists and basic hackers.
"To confront this threat APEC members have agreed to establish national cybercrime units and international high-technology assistance points of contact by October 2003.
"In order to better respond to cyber attacks, CERT Coordination Centres have also been established to advise governments and business on cyber security."
Co-ordinator of the APEC CERT Seminar, Mr Alex Webling, from the Australian Attorney-General's Department, said speakers at the seminar will discuss issues that are central to specialist cyber-security teams operating efficiently with business and government sectors.
"If the business and government sectors in each APEC economy had access to the services of a local CERT, individual attacks could be quickly shut down at their source," said Mr Webling.
"Several developing economies will also receive a boost over following months to develop their cyber-security preparedness.
"Australia has committed US$100,000 to provide in-country training for Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam to expand CERT capacity," said Mr Webling.
"The CERT Seminar will also outline plans for the proposed APEC CERT project that will use existing APEC funding for cyber security training in other developing APEC economies."
The CERT Seminar, co-sponsored by Japan and Australia, has been arranged through close consultation with Malaysia as host of the APEC Telecommunications and Information Working Group Conference (APECTEL 27) Conference being held from 24 to 28 March in Kuala Lumpur.
The APEC CERT Seminar will be held at the Hotel Istana in Kuala Lumpur on 22 - 23 March prior to the APECTEL 27 Conference:
View the APEC Fact Sheet on Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs)