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APEC Targets Terrorism through Expanded International Partnerships

Phuket, Thailand | 23 August 2003
APEC Senior Officials have welcomed the opportunity to build closer links with a number of international financial institutions on counter terrorism issues.
Prospects of closer working relationships were explored at a roundtable discussion attended by representatives from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) during the current series of APEC meetings taking place in Phuket, Thailand.
Chair of the APEC Counter Terrorism Task Force (CTTF), Ambassador Makarim Wibisono, said APEC has gained a greater sense of the high priority that international financial institutions are according to counter terrorism efforts.
"There are opportunities for APEC to work closely with international financial organizations on counter terrorism issues and we will vigorously follow-up these options.
"From an APEC perspective we have already undertaken a number of counter terrorism initiatives and measures.
"Every APEC Member Economy has submitted a Counter Terrorism Action Plan that outlines specific infrastructural requirements in each economy.
"This interaction with international financial organzations is particularly relevant for developing APEC economies that may require assistance funding for counter terrorism infrastructure that has been identified in their action plans."
The APEC CTTF intends to press ahead to share information and resources with the United Nations Security Council's Counter Terrorism Committee and the G-8's Counter Terrorism Action Group (CTAG) to identify growing and evolving needs.
"The APEC Counter Terrorism Task Force's expanded association with the UN Security Council and the G8 will further strengthen the capacity of APEC, the UN and the G8 to enhance the region's counter terrorism infrastructure," Ambassador Wibisono told the meeting.
"Our combined efforts are paramount to ensure that the threat of terrorism will not deter APEC economies from achieving the shared goals of a free, open and prosperous APEC region."
Ambassador Wibisono said the new partnerships with international financial organizations and other organizations will build stronger bridges between many forums involved in the fight against terrorism.
APEC's priorities include infrastructure necessary to secure ports, protect the movement of air travelers, fight cybercrime, strengthen energy security and to prevent the financing of terrorism.
APEC is also strengthening the capacity of member economies to overcome the terrorist threat in the region. These activities include an APEC High Level Meeting in Maritime Security Cooperation on 8-9 September in Manila, an APEC Smart Border Symposium in October in Vancouver, Computer Emergency Response Team capacity building in Lima, Santiago, Mexico City and Moscow, and an Anti-Money Laundering/Anti-terrorism Financing Policy Workshop in Tokyo.