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APEC Finance Ministers' Meeting Concludes - Joint Ministerial Statement Available Online

Phuket, Thailand | 05 September 2003
The Joint Ministerial Statement from the Tenth APEC Finance Ministers' Meeting has been posted on the APEC Secretariat Website.
Working under the policy theme of "Local/Regional Link, Global Reach: A New APEC Financial Cooperation" the ministers met with the aim of fostering greater financial linkages and closer economic ties in the Asia-Pacific region.
The Joint Ministerial Statement covers recent economic developments in the APEC Region and the sub-themes that were addressed in the Finance Ministers' Meeting. These sub-themes are "Grass-Roots and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Development," "Regional Bond Market Development" and "Fiscal and Financial Aspects of Regional Trade Arrangements."
The Joint Ministerial Statement also features a progress report on a series of policy initiatives that are underway:
  • Voluntary Action Plan for Supporting Freer and More Stable Capital Flows
  • Financial Regulators Training Initiative
  • Managing Regulatory Change in Life Insurance and Pensions
  • Pathfinder Initiative on Corporate Governance
  • Insolvency Law
  • APEC Privatization Forum
  • APEC Initiative on Alternative Remittance Systems
  • APEC Finance and Development Program
  • APEC Future Economic Leaders' Think Tank
  • Development of Securitization and Credit Guarantee Markets
The Eleventh APEC Finance Ministers' Meeting has now been scheduled for Santiago, Chile, on 2-3 September 2004.
The next major APEC events for 2003 will be the meetings leading up to the annual APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand.
  • APEC Investment Mart, 16-21 October
  • 15th APEC Ministerial Meeting, 17-18 October
  • 4th Meeting of APEC Business Advisory Council, 18-21 October
  • CEO Summit, 18-22 October
  • 11th APEC Leaders' Meeting, 20-21 October