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APEC Counter Terrorism Strategy Presented to Interpol Conference

Bali, Indonesia | 19 January 2004
The Chair of APEC's Counter Terrorism Task Force (CTTF) has presented the Interpol Executive Police Conference on Counter Terrorism with details of APEC's strategy to build the capacity of developing economies to improve security.
Ambassador Makarim Wibisono told the meeting of senior police officers in Bali that APEC's counter terrorism programs start with identifying the needs of developing economies to build their capacity to counter the terrorist threat.
"The need to strengthen the institutional capacity of governments to combat terrorism is essential for protecting the people and economy of the Asia Pacific region," Ambassador Wibisono told the conference.
"These needs are being coordinated between the APEC Counter Terrorism Task Force and international organizations such as Interpol and the ADB to match each economy's unique situation.
"APEC's programs aim to strengthen security against terrorist threats while simultaneously boosting trade efficiency.
"APEC Member Economies have prepared individual Counter-Terrorism Action Plans listing specific counter terrorism objectives. These plans are now being analyzed by APEC working groups to identify gaps in the region's counter-terrorism capacity and to seek ways to strengthen security in these areas.
"APEC supports the efforts of law enforcement and other security officials by working with other international organizations and helping to build political will for the implementation of new security standards.
"APEC initiatives to protect critical infrastructure, track terrorist finances and prevent the movement of terrorists across borders is contributing to the work of law enforcement agencies. These measures are aiding governments in their efforts to apprehend terrorists and to prevent attacks from taking place."
Ambassador Wibisono said while building free trade and investment in the region remains the central focus of APEC activities, terrorism poses a major threat to achieving these goals.
"Terrorism not only destroys the lives and property of individuals, but also undermines entire economies, erodes market confidence and inflates the cost of trade.
The next meeting of the APEC Counter Terrorism Task Force will take place on Mach 1 in Santiago, Chile where capacity building will be one of the main agenda items.