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Mechanisms to Protect Consumer & Business Information in e-Commerce: Focus of APEC Symposium on Data Privacy

APEC Electronic Commerce Steering Group Singapore | 19 February 2004
Improving consumer confidence and ensuring the growth of electronic commerce through cooperation on data privacy issues will be the focus of an APEC data privacy implementation symposium next week.
The "APEC Symposium on Data Privacy Implementation Mechanisms: Developing the APEC Privacy Framework" will bring together business, consumer and government experts from APEC's 21 Member Economies on February 23-24 in Santiago, Chile.
Sponsored by the APEC Electronic Commerce Steering Group (ECSG), the symposium will address key issues confronting both governments and businesses as they seek to create a balance between effective privacy protections and the free flow of information. More specifically, panellists will address:
  • Privacy issues in the networked global environment;
  • The nature of modern information management;
  • Approaches to information use and processing
  • Flexible approaches to international information flows;
  • Effective enforcement mechanisms to enforce privacy protections;
  • Cross-border cooperation on enforcement matters; and,
  • Consumer and business education on privacy.
The APEC Privacy Implementation Symposium is the latest project undertaken by the ECSG as part of its efforts to develop the APEC Privacy Framework. This Framework, which will be made up of both privacy principles and effective mechanisms for their implementation, is designed to help economies protect privacy and maintain the free flow of information, and to enable enforcement agencies to fulfil their mandates regarding privacy and public safety.
Peter Ford, Chair of the APEC ECSG Privacy Subgroup, voiced support for the APEC Privacy Implementation Symposium: "This Symposium is central to APEC's work to increase consumer and business confidence, and to promote electronic commerce in the Asia-Pacific region. Considering the social, cultural and legal differences among APEC economies, flexibility in the implementation of the privacy principles will be essential to the success of the APEC Privacy Framework."
Speakers at the APEC Privacy Implementation Symposium will include high-level representatives from the private sector, government and non-governmental organizations.
The Symposium will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Salon Prieto, Santiago, Chile.