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Summary of the Joint Statement from the First Meeting of APEC Ministers Responsible for Mining

Calama, Chile | 17 June 2004
This Joint Ministerial Statement was delivered by Alfonso Dulanto, Chair of the Ministerial Meeting and Minister of Mining for the Republic of Chile. The statement was read before APEC Ministers Responsible for Mining in a ceremony beside the Chuquicamata Copper Mine.*
*Please note, due to a technical error, points 3 and 4 could not be recorded at the event. The text from these two points is posted below.
3. We confirmed that the development of the mining and metals industry has great importance in promoting employment and economic growth.
4. We acknowledged that this meeting was a great opportunity to give minerals and metals in APEC a new impetus and to discuss the challenges that face a key productive activity for the development of APEC economies and the world, at the highest level.