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Condolence Messages to Tsunami Damaged APEC Economies

Singapore | 28 December 2004
The incoming Executive Director of the APEC Secretariat has sent messages of condolence on behalf of the APEC Secretariat to the people and governments of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. These are the three APEC Member Economies that bore the direct impact of the devastating tsunamis on December 26.
Ambassador Choi Seok Young, who will begin his post as Executive Director on January 1, said that the distress of the disaster is felt by people around the APEC region.
In the condolence letters, which have been delivered to respective authorities, Ambassador Choi commended the support that has been extended by members of the APEC community to provide help where it is needed.
"Sadly thousands have been killed from APEC Member Economies and from countries around the Asia-Pacific region," Ambassador Choi said from the APEC Secretariat in Singapore.
"Our thoughts are with the families who have lost loved ones and our hopes are with the survivors as they deal with the aftermath of this catastrophe.
"The devastating power of the waves that struck around the Indian Ocean shocked us all.
"The APEC Member Economies of Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia as well as other areas in the region have suffered direct and substantial damage.
"We are all grateful for the community spirit that has been demonstrated by APEC Member Economies in mobilizing rapid aid and assistance efforts for the disaster areas.
"Our region is a community and is at times like these that this sense of community is most needed."

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