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New APEC Secretariat Deputy Executive Director from Viet Nam - Preparations Underway for Viet Nam to Host APEC in 2006

Singapore | 05 January 2005
Korea is now the official host of the APEC process for the next twelve months and preparations for Viet Nam to host APEC in 2006 have moved a step closer with new directors appointed to lead the APEC Secretariat in Singapore.
The new Executive Director is Ambassador Choi Seok Young from the Republic of Korea and the Deputy Executive Director is Ambassador Tran Trong Toan from Viet Nam. Ambassador Toan will be the Executive Director when Viet Nam takes over as Chair of the APEC host in 2006.
Ambassador Choi said the post of Executive Director of the APEC Secretariat is an honour and a challenge that each member economy undertakes during their APEC year.
"As the Chair of the APEC process in 2005 Korea will serve all APEC Members with pride and best intentions," Ambassador Choi said.
"In 2005 Korea will have the opportunity to showcase our experience in making the transition from developing to developed economy in a short period of time.
"As APEC Host Economy in 2005 Korea also has the responsibility of preparing for the handover of responsibilities at the end of the year to Viet Nam.
"Like Korea, Viet Nam will receive Leaders, Ministers and their representatives as well as thousands of delegates and international media when they host APEC in 2006. This exposure will increase knowledge about Viet Nam's culture, economic development and investment opportunities.
"We will ensure that as we progress through the Korea APEC Year, what we learn will be passed to our friends in Viet Nam to ensure the success of APEC 2006.
"I look forward to working with my counterparts from Viet Nam throughout the year. In particular I will have the opportunity to work with Ambassador Toan who will be the 2005 Deputy Executive Director.
"Ambassador Toan is a very experienced diplomat and a fountain of knowledge on multilateral trade issues."
Ambassador Toan, who will arrive in Singapore in early January, said that he looks forward to working with Ambassador Choi to ensure the ongoing success of the APEC process.
"Viet Nam and Korea have pledged to work together with Korea offering to provide advice and cooperation in preparing for APEC 2006 in Viet Nam," Ambassador Toan said from his Hanoi office.
"We look forward to productive APEC years in Korea this year and Viet Nam in 2006.
"As host of APEC 2006 Viet Nam is ready to do whatever it can to be a bridge linking Viet Nam with the rest of the APEC Region."
Ambassador Toan said that for Viet Nam, APEC Membership has delivered tangible benefits relating to increasing trade and building domestic skill levels.
"Viet Nam joined APEC in 1998 and this membership has enhanced Viet Nam's position in the region and paved the way for early accession to the World Trade Organization," Ambassador Toan said.
"Hosting APEC 2006 is another important opportunity for Viet Nam to highlight its ongoing success in opening its foreign policy by stressing multilateralisation and diversification.
"There have also been numerous APEC sponsored economic and technical cooperation programs initiated in Viet Nam that have given us wider access to new technologies and human resource development.
"As well as participation in economic and trade initiatives, Viet Nam has actively participated in social activities sponsored by APEC that are intended to assist women, youth and the disabled."
Ambassador Toan said that Viet Nam has the benefit of experience in hosting past major international events including Francophone Summit in 1997, the sixth Summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in 1998 and the Summit of the Asia-Europe Meeting in 2004.

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