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Cartagena Protocol Implementation and Technology Transfer Recommendations Approved by APEC Senior Officials

High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology (HLPDAB) Jeju, Republic of Korea | 31 May 2005
APEC Senior Officials have approved the report of the High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology (HLPDAB) and its recommendations on Cartagena Protocol Implementation and Technology Transfer.
Presented to the Second 2005 Meeting of APEC Senior Officials in Jeju, Korea, today the report recommends that Member Economies take economic considerations into account when implementing the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. The report also highlights the importance of intra-governmental coordination during Protocol implementation negotiations and discussions.
On the issue of technology transfer, the HLPDAB report recommends increased government and private sector cooperation and highlights the role of intellectual property rights in effective technology transfer.
At its recent meeting the HLPDAB endorsed a number of public policy development activities in the APEC region. These include:
  • Additional farmer-to-farmer activities to increase awareness of the latest developments in agricultural biotechnology
  • Continued work on activities to help economies create a positive investment environment for agricultural biotechnology
  • The presentation of a Biosafety workshop to provide policy options for officials as they develop effective biosafety frameworks
The APEC HLPDAB is set to become a regular fixture on the APEC calendar with the next meeting due to be held in Viet Nam in early 2006 followed by Australia in 2007.