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APEC FTA Negotiation Workshop for Developing Economies in Viet Nam

Singapore | 28 June 2005
Developing economies in the Asia-Pacific will be given additional help to deal with the challenges of negotiating Free Trade Agreements and Regional Trade Agreements (FTAs/RTAs) at an international APEC workshop in Hanoi this week.
Bringing together leading trade negotiation experts with representatives from developing economies, the 'APEC International Workshop on Identifying and Addressing Possible Impacts of FTAs/RTAs Development on Developing Member Economies' will take place on June 28-30.
Participants from APEC Member Economies and international organisations will share their experience using case studies and best practices for overcome the difficulties and challenges faced in developing and implementing FTAs/RTAs in and outside the APEC region.
Ms. TRAN Thi Thu Hang, Viet Nam Senior Official for APEC said the workshop will impart knowledge and skills that will help developing economies derive tangible benefits from the process of negotiating, signing and implementing FTAs/RTAs.
"Small economies need to take particular care over the right planning and approach to the negotiation of bilateral trade agreements in order to achieve a solid outcome for their economy," Ms. Tran said before the start of the workshop.
"Trading agreements signed between relatively small and large economies can be particularly beneficial to the smaller economy if they are done right. However, FTAs and RTAs also have the potential to cause difficulties if not negotiated properly by the smaller economy."
The Chair of the APEC Committee on Trade and Investment, Mr. Alan Bowman, welcomed the workshop that he said was very relevant to the needs of the participating economies.
"This workshop is a strong example of demand-driven capacity building as the project was initiated by a developing economy," Mr. Bowman said.
"The end result of the workshop is that it will make a useful contribution to APEC's Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation Agenda by raising skill levels in individual economies."
The program will cover a range of FTA/RTA topics including perspectives on these agreements in APEC and the WTO, capacity building programs for developing economies, the liberalization of investment and services, Rules of Origin under FTAs/RTAs and case studies based on the past experience of developing economies.
Ms. Tran said Viet Nam's pending accession to the WTO and its role as host of the APEC process in 2006 made it a smart choice for hosting an international workshop on negotiating FTAs/RTAs.
"In 2006 Viet Nam will also be the centre of APEC activities as it hosts Leaders', Ministers' and all Senior Officials' Meetings. The role of FTAs and RTAs will continue to be an important issue for APEC next year."
The Workshop will be opened by H.E. Deputy Minister of Trade, Chief Negotiator, National Negotiating Team of Viet Nam, Mr. LUONG Van Tu and the Program will feature contributions by expert speakers including:
  • Prof. Robert Scollay, Associate Professor, APEC Study Centre, University of Auckland
  • Dr. LE Quang Lan, Key Negotiator of Vietnam for FTA between ASEAN and China, Japan, India and Korea.
  • Ms. Kati SUOMINEN, Senior Consultant, Inter-American Development Bank.
  • Ms. Jane Drake-Brockman, Managing Director, Trade and Environment Solutions and Executive Director, Australian Services Roundtable.
  • Mr. Jeffrey Hardee, Vice President and Regional Director for Asia Pacific, Business Software Alliance.
The workshop builds on the decision by APEC Trade Ministers earlier this month to ensure that FTAs/RTAs deliver real market opportunities for business in the Asia-Pacific region.