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APEC Oceans Ministers' Meeting to Highlight Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Resource Development - Bali, Indonesia, September 16-17

Consultative Meeting for the Preparation of the Second APEC Ocean-Related Ministerial Meeting Singapore | 24 July 2005
Harnessing the economic value of fisheries and other marine resources while ensuring environmental sustainability, will be among the key issues for APEC Oceans Ministers' consideration when they meet in Bali, Indonesia, on September 16 and 17.
The Second APEC Ocean-Related Ministerial Meeting (AOMM2) will bring together Ministers responsible for maritime-related issues to provide guidance on a plan of action for implementation in APEC Member Economies.
Working to the theme of "Our Coasts, our Ocean ... An Action Plan for Sustainability," AOMM2 will be co-chaired by Indonesia and Canada.
Indonesia's Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, H.E. Freddy Numberi, highlighted the importance of ensuring the sustainability of our ocean and coasts. He said that fisheries and other marine industries are important assets for economic growth and prosperity in the region and that action is needed today to protect ocean resources in the future.
"Our ocean resources have become the basic source of food and sustenance for millions of people with billions of dollars of investment," Mr. Numberi said.
"The fisheries and ocean-related sector is one of the biggest employers in Indonesia,
"Failure to protect ocean resources would lead to serious economic consequences and remove a major source of protein for most of the global population. This would have a damaging impact on other industries such as energy and tourism.
"At this ministerial meeting APEC members will set an example for the global community by agreeing to measures that will enhance future ocean resource potential."
Canada's Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Hon. Geoff Regan, said he anticipated the meeting would produce tangible benefits for people around the Asia-Pacific region.
"All APEC Member Economies have marine industries and so have valuable contributions to bring to the table," Mr Regan said.
"I look forward to the exchange of ideas, so we can collectively better address the marine resource challenges, including the global problem of illegal fishing activities, that are facing the region today.
"I am pleased to be co-chairing such an important meeting of Oceans Ministers. Sustainable development is at the heart of Canada's Oceans Action Plan and our strategy to improve international fisheries and oceans governance."
AOMM2 is expected to look at efforts to conserve marine biodiversity, prevent pollution and protect important ecosystems such as coral reefs. It will also focus on illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and ecosystem-based management in the context of the management of high seas fish stocks.
Delegates from APEC's 21 Member Economies will meet in Jakarta on July 26-27 to finalize the agenda and prepare inputs for the Ministerial Meeting. This preparatory meeting will assess submissions from APEC Member Economies and industry stakeholders in preparing the agenda and inputs to the Ministerial Meeting.