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APEC Oceans Ministers Adopt Bali Plan of Action

Government of Indonesia, Host of the 2nd APEC Ocean-Related Ministerial Meeting Bali, Indonesia | 17 September 2005
The Ministers responsible for oceans from APEC member economies, and their designates, today adopted the Bali Plan of Action.
The plan seeks to balance conservation and management of marine resources with regional economic growth. It was adopted at the close of the 2nd APEC Ocean-Related Ministerial Meeting that was co-chaired by Indonesia's Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, H.E. Freddy Numberi, and Canada's Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Hon. Geoff Regan.
"The Bali Plan of Action will ensure oceans and their resources provide a permanent and sustainable foundation to the economic and social well-being of the region's economies and people," said Minister Numberi.
"We look forward to seeing concrete, tangible outcomes for the Asia-Pacific region as a follow up to the activities outlined in this plan."
"Oceans are a key asset to the Asia-Pacific region, and they need to be managed sustainably," said Minister Regan.
"The actions outlined in the Bali plan are a comprehensive way to do just that. I am especially pleased that we have committed to address the main threats to these resources - illegal fishing, fishing overcapacity, discards and bycatch - by moving from words to actions."
Based on the commitment made by Ministers in 2002 Seoul Ocean Declaration, the Bali Plan of Action contains practical commitments to work Towards Healthy Oceans and Coasts for the Sustainable Growth and Prosperity of the Asia-Pacific Community. This new plan is intended to guide the work of APEC ocean-related working groups for the rest of the decade through domestic and regional actions in three key areas:
1. To ensure the sustainable management of the marine environment and its resources, Ministers stressed the critical need for adequate science and economic information, data, and earth observations on which to base their decisions. They also emphasized the importance of taking an ecosystem-based approach to management to address pollution threats, marine invasive species, marine debris and derelict fishing gear, as well as unsustainable farming and harvesting of ocean resources. Furthermore, Ministers resolved to increase their efforts to strengthen and update fisheries governance and management, including through reform of, and co-operation in, regional fisheries management organizations.
2. To provide for sustainable economic benefits from the oceans, Ministers emphasized the need to realize the full economic potential of oceans for communities, alongside strengthened conservation and resource management. Safe seafood and sustainable aquaculture products also play an essential role in this objective. Ministers underscored the APEC goal of trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, including efforts to enhance trade facilitation and market access for fisheries and fish products. They also pointed to the need for institutional and human capacity building and technical assistance to ensure that all economies in the region share in the benefits of oceans resources.
3. To enable sustainable development of coastal communities, Ministers resolved to raise awareness and engagement of these communities in integrated oceans and coastal management. They also outlined actions to reduce the vulnerability of Asia-Pacific communities to future natural disasters and climatic change, recognizing, in particular, the importance of swift reconstruction of those communities affected by the 2004 Tsunami. Ministers also underscored the importance of coastal hazard detection and early warning systems.
"Oceans Ministers in this region recognize the increasing vulnerability of our oceans, fisheries, and coasts," said Minister Numberi.
"Today, we have declared our intention to collectively act on measures that will contribute to the sustainable management of our region's marine environment as a foundation to the economic and social well-being of communities and people in the Asia-Pacific region."
The 2nd APEC Ocean-Related Ministerial Meeting took place in Bali, Indonesia on September 16 and 17, 2005. The results of the meeting will be brought to the attention of APEC Leaders at the APEC Summit in Busan, Korea in November 2005. The 3rd meeting of ocean-related Ministers will be hosted in Peru.