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Korean Buddhist Scripture Unveiled at APEC Secretariat

APEC Secretariat Singapore | 15 December 2005
A copper replica of a traditional Tripitaka Koreana woodblock carving of the Sutra of Wisdom, an ancient Buddhist scripture, has been presented to the APEC Secretariat in Singapore by the Korean Government.
The carving was presented by the Republic of Korea to the Secretariat in appreciation for the cooperation and support provided by the APEC Secretariat for the 2005 APEC Year that was hosted by Korea.
The Chair of the APEC Senior Officials Meeting process in 2005, Ambassador Kim Jong-Hoon, presented to the Secretariat and said the gift was a symbol of appreciation from Korea.
"The success of the 2005 APEC Year hosted by Korea is due in a large part to the efforts of the APEC Secretariat," Ambassador Kim said after the unveiling ceremony.
"Working behind the scenes from its base in Singapore, the APEC Secretariat ensures the smooth flow of each APEC year by providing administrative support.
"On behalf of the Korean Government I congratulate the Secretariat for its tireless efforts this year and wish the Secretariat further success in the 2006 APEC Year hosted by Viet Nam."
The 2005 Executive Director of the APEC Secretariat, Ambassador Choi Seok Young, welcomed the gift on behalf of the Secretariat.
"This is a precious gift from the Government of Republic of Korea to commemorate the host of the APEC 2005 events," Ambassador Choi said.
"As the Tripitaka Koreana has compiled all available Buddhist scriptures, it serves as a precious sources for academia and researchers in studying the Buddhism in Asia and beyond.
"The exchange of printed scriptures reminds me of the spirit of APEC dedicated to promote trade and community building process. Cultural cooperation is an efficient tool for the promotion of exchanges of goods and peoples."
News photographs of the unveiling are available from the APEC Secretariat Website:

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