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Viet Nam DPM Calls for Greater Cooperation on Tourism Marketing, Resources Development and Direct Flights

4th APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting Hoi An, Viet Nam | 16 October 2006
On the second day of the 4th APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting, Viet Nam's Deputy Prime Minister has stated that the region needs to increase cross-border linkages to expand tourism potential for the APEC region.
Speaking at the opening of the plenary session of the ministerial meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem said APEC had already affirmed its position as a leader across numerous sectors, and now Tourism Ministers had the opportunity to expand this cooperation in one of the greatest employment industries of the region.
Tourism is a driving force for socio-economic development, job creation and cultural understanding among member economies," said Deputy Prime Minister Khiem said at the meeting.
There is much more that we can do to ensure that the tourism industry delivers even greater benefit to our region.
"APEC needs to increase cooperation in tourism promotion and marketing so that we maximize resources and increase returns on this investment.
We as a region need to work together to increase the skills of the people who work in our tourism industries so that they deliver an even better product to visitors.
"Very importantly, our region needs to open more direct flights between our economies particularly to new destinations."
Mr. Khiem also warned that the future of the industry was dependent on the industry's attention to ensuring sustainability.
"Member Economies face challenges to the health of their tourism industries which, if not properly managed, could have negative consequences for the broader regional economy.
"These include the ongoing threat of terrorism, pandemic diseases, natural and man-made disasters, shocks to the global economy and the management of the local environment that tourists come to visit. To ensure a healthy future, these challenges require the ongoing exchange of ideas and support of APEC Members to develop proper and effective solutions for tourism development."
Ministers at the meeting also finalized details of the Hoi An Declaration on Tourism that focuses on the importance of taking a regional approach to tourism in the Asia-Pacific by encouraging investment and creating air linkages between cultural heritage sites in APEC member economies.
The Tourism Ministerial Meeting took place on October 16-17, in Hoi An, Viet Nam.
News Photo
Viet Nam's Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem, Chair of the 4th APEC Tourism Ministers' Meeting