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Tourism Ministers Release Hoi An Declaration

4th APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting Hoi An, Viet Nam | 16 October 2006
At the conclusion of their meeting today, APEC Tourism Ministers adopted the "Hoi An Declaration on Tourism" to promote sustainable tourism and investment in the region. APEC Member Economies agreed on a range of expanded measures to work together in the spirit of cooperation to ensure a vibrant tourism industry.
The Hoi An Declaration was agreed and endorsed following two days of meetings by Tourism Ministers from APEC Member Economies and three days of meetings by the APEC Tourism Working Group.
Chair of the Tourism Ministers' Meeting and Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Pham Gia Khiem, welcomed the Hoi An Declaration that he said will usher in a new spirit of cooperation and encourage a regional approach to investment.
"Tourism is one of the prioritized areas for regional cooperation," said Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem.
"Playing an increasingly important role in furthering socio-economic development, creating jobs, reducing poverty, and preserving the environment, we firmly support the industry as it contributes so much to the regional economy."
"Given the competitive nature of the industry, Ministers understand the importance of setting high standards across the region and encourage member economies to implement programs that offer training and human resource development.
"Recognizing the important role the private sector plays in tourism, we encourage member economies to promote the APEC Tourism Fair as a means for optimizing valuable and diversified tourism assets and resources."
The Hoi An Declaration covers the following areas:
  • Encouraging the private sector to participate in the APEC Tourism Investment Forum
  • Liberalizing of air routes between the cultural heritage sites of APEC member economies
  • Promoting the APEC Tourism Fair to secure encourage international visitors

The declaration is now available.

The next APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting is scheduled for, Peru, in 2008.