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APEC Leaders and Ministers Meetings Next Week

APEC Senior Officials Meeting Chair's Office Ha Noi, Viet Nam | 08 November 2006
Leaders, Ministers, senior business representatives and government officials from APEC's 21 Member Economies will meet next week in Ha Noi, Viet Nam, for some of the most important meetings of the annual global political calendar.
Beginning with a meeting of Senior Officials on Sunday, November 12, the meetings will conclude on Sunday, November 19, with the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting.
Discussion topics for the meetings will typically reflect major economic and political issues faced by the global economy as well as further steps to advance economic growth and sustainable development of the APEC member economies.
The Chair of the APEC Senior Officials' Meeting, Vice Minister Le Cong Phung, said one of the major outcomes that is anticipated from the Leaders' Meeting will be the Ha Noi Action Plan to implement the Busan roadmap to achieve the Bogor goals of free and open trade and investment.
"The Ha Noi Action Plan is made up of concrete actions in key areas, including support to the multilateral trading system; strengthen CAPs/IAPs; promotion of high-quality RTAs/FTAs; implementation of the Busan Business agenda; and capacity building".
"The implementation of the Ha Noi Action Plan will be essential to the achievement of the Bogor goals and of major consequence to ongoing economic and social development in the APEC Region," Vice Minister Phung said.
APEC will also consider issues relating to the ongoing reform of the APEC process. This includes increasing the capacity of the Secretariat in Singapore to respond to the expanding APEC agenda and ongoing work to improve linkages and coordination between APEC working groups and fora.
The schedule for the meetings is as follows:
  • 12-13 November, APEC Concluding Senior Officials Meeting
  • 14-16 November, 4th Meeting of the APEC Business Advisory Council
  • 15-16 November, 18th APEC Joint Ministerial Meeting
  • 17-19 November, APEC CEO Summit
  • 18-19 November, 14th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting

For media attending the meetings:

  • All accredited media will have access to the International Media Center located inside the National Convention Centre
  • Media access to photo opportunities in meetings and designated areas in the National Convention Centre will be through media pools that will be arranged by the APEC 2006 Hosts.
  • The APEC Secretariat will have a booth located inside the International Media Centre to respond to requests from news outlets

An online media kit is available at: