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Major APEC Meetings Start Today

Senior Officials Meeting Chair's Office Ha Noi, Viet Nam | 11 November 2006
The first formal event of the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting week began this morning at Viet Nam's National Convention Centre.
Senior Officials from APEC's 21 Member Economies will discuss issues that have been of major significance throughout 2006 that are likely to be discussed further by Ministers and Leaders throughout the week.
Unlocking stalled World Trade Organization negotiations and guidelines to secure supply chains against counterfeit and pirated goods will be among issues discussed throughout the meetings today and tomorrow. Senior Officials will also provide additional input to the Ha Noi Action Plan that will be considered and endorsed by Ministers and Leaders.
Chair of the APEC Senior Officials Meeting, Vice Minister Le Cong Phung, said WTO negotiations will continue to be of great importance for APEC meetings as APEC Member Economies seek to find a way forward.
"APEC can lead the way for all members of the WTO to reignite negotiations and conclude the Doha Development Agenda next year," Vice Minister Phung said on the morning of the first APEC meeting.
"APEC members provide an accurate gauge of global economic views and ideas, so if APEC can identify a way forward this path will most likely be suitable to the broader WTO membership.
"Representatives of APEC Member Economies based in Geneva have been working on a solution and Senior Officials will be updated on this progress."
One of the main objectives of the Ministers and Leaders Meetings this week will be the release of the Ha Noi Action Plan.
"The Ha Noi Action Plan provides the detail required to implement last year's Busan roadmap to achieve the APEC Bogor Goals," Vice Minister Phung said.
"The Plan will have core components that include support for the multilateral trading system, strengthening of CAPs/IAPs, high quality FTAs/RTAs, strengthening of business activities in the region and capacity building.
"For business to thrive in our region, APEC members have an obligation to ensure the business environment is conducive to growth. The Ha Noi Action Plan will provide clear direction on a range of areas that include trade facilitation, private sector development, the digital economy and IPR, investment facilitation, transparency and anti-corruption, secure trade, structural reform and pathfinder initiatives."
APEC Senior Officials began the first day of the meeting in an informal retreat that will be followed on the second day of the meeting with a formal plenary session. APEC Ministers will begin their two day meeting on Wednesday, November 15, and Leaders will meet over the weekend on November 18-19.