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APEC Business Council Sets 2007 Priorities

APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Ha Noi, Viet Nam | 15 November 2006
Senior business executives from the Asia Pacific region have met in Hanoi, Viet Nam to discuss business sector priorities in the lead up to the APEC Leaders meeting this weekend.
APEC?s Business Advisory Council (ABAC),which comprises three senior business representatives from each of the 21 APEC economies, has identified a number of priority issues vital to business interests and the continued economic prosperity of the region for the coming year.
"While ABAC's primary focus remains the successful conclusion of the Doha Round, we are committed to a range of objectives aimed at strengthening economic development in the APEC region," said incoming ABAC Chair for 2007, Mr Mark Johnson of Australia.
"ABAC is in a unique position to influence the priorities of APEC economies and we are focusing on the big issues - trade liberalization and facilitation, energy, and security matters.
"Our agenda for 2007 will include initiatives to ensure APEC remains the leading forum within the Asia Pacific region and ABAC Working Groups will focus on the following priorities:
Finance and Economic Working Group (FEWG)
  • Deepening and strengthening private capital markets and improving financial stability, working in close conjunction with APEC Finance Ministers; and
  • Increased focus on capacity building and market opening initiatives, including enhancing access to capital for SMEs.

Liberalization Working Group (LWG)

  • The resumption of WTO/DDA negotiations;
  • Liberalization - anticipate and develop ideas including action on model measures, WTO plus and core principals of FTAAP;
  • Investment and services - checklist for non-financial services sectors; and
  • Capacity building - institutional arrangements.

Facilitation Working Group (FWG)

  • Transparency and ease of doing business;
  • Standards; and
  • Security of movement of people and goods.

Technology and Information Working Group (TIWG)

  • Energy security and climate change including water; and
  • Intellectual Property rights.

Action Plan and APEC Resources Working Group (APARWG)

  • Individual Action Plan Review process;
  • Response to regional emergencies;
  • Promotion of small to medium enterprises; and
  • Strengthening APEC as an institution.