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APEC Leaders Meeting Concludes with the Ha Noi Declaration

14th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting Ha Noi, Viet Nam | 18 November 2006
The 14th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting concluded successfully with the second retreat today.
In their annual two-day meeting chaired by Viet Nam's President Nguyen Minh Triet, Leaders of 21 APEC economies discussed the theme "Towards One Dynamic Community for Sustainable Development and Prosperity" in two umbrella topics:
Advancing trade and investment in a changing world, and
Fundamentals ensuring dynamism, growth, and sustainable development in APEC.
The following documents can now be downloaded from the APEC Website:
- Ha Noi Declaration
- Hanoi Action Plan to implement the Busan Roadmap towards the Bogor Goals
- Statement on the Doha Development Agenda of the WTO
Following are the major outcomes of the meeting:
Expressing their strong preferences for a timely conclusion of the Doha Development Agenda round of WTO negotiations with an ambitious and overall balanced outcome, Leaders issued a separate statement on this issue that includes practical measures to resume the negotiations.
Leaders also endorsed the Ha Noi Action Plan to implement the Busan roadmap, viewing this as a foundation for APEC economic and trade cooperation in the next 15 years.
Leaders also endorsed recommendations to reform APEC to make the forum more vibrant, dynamic and effective.
With unanimous agreement that terrorism poses a grave threat to peace and security in the world and the region, Leaders reiterated commitment to promoting cooperation to alleviate and eventually eliminate this danger. The meeting also welcomed counter-terrorism initiatives that have been agreed upon by APEC this year.
At the meeting Leaders agreed to expand and enhance cooperation in pandemic and disaster management and energy security to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the people in the region.
Leaders endorsed the 18th APEC Ministerial Meeting Statement and the statements of sectoral ministerial meetings this year.
Leaders issued the Hanoi Declaration of the 14th AELM which reaffirms their endorsement of the outcomes of APEC 2006 and the future development of the forum.
Leaders also discussed issues and recent developments of common concern in the region.
News photos are available here: