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Business, NGOs and Government Exchange Ideas on the Future Sustainability of the Mining Sector

Third APEC Ministers Responsible for Mining Meeting Perth, Australia | 12 February 2007
Government Ministers, business executives and NGO representatives shared views today on ensuring sustainable development in the minerals sector at the Third APEC Mining Ministers' Meeting.
The Stakeholder Dialogue with APEC Mining Ministers included presentations from the incoming CEO of Rio Tinto, the Executive Director of Oxfam Australia, and other leading industry and business figures.
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Moderated by Australia's Minister for Industry, Tourism and Resources, the Hon. Ian Macfarlane MP, the dialogue enabled diverse perspectives to be presented in a way that Mr. Macfarlane described as important to the APEC process.
"APEC is essentially a government form but unless we engage actively with all stakeholders of the region the true value of APEC won't be realized," Mr. Macfarlane said at the meeting.
The incoming CEO of Rio Tinto, Mr. Tom Albanese, highlighted the importance of the mining industry to work to ensure the sustainability of the mining industry during the current resources boom and beyond.
"These are extraordinary times for mining," Mr. Albanese said to the meeting. "Mining booms are not new and the cyclical nature is a given. What is unusual is the extended nature of this boom and the number of commodities involved. In addition, globalization means that these effects are being felt more widely and deeply than before.
"The global mining industry is committed to helping the people of the world to make a historic transition to sustainable society."
Oxfam Australia's Executive Director, Mr. Andrew Hewett, presented the views of his organization relating to issues such as the role of local communities in planning development, the protection of water resources and transparency.
"Oxfam believes that mining can contribute o sustainable development, that it can help people find a pathway out of poverty and contribute to their enjoyment of basic human rights," Mr. Hewett said to the meeting.
"Oxfam Australia takes a rights based approach to development and has worked with communities affected by mining for more than a decade. We are neither pro nor anti mining."
Other speakers at the dialogue included the Minister for Mining from Peru, Mr. Juan Valdivia Romero, and the Deputy Minister of Energy and Resources from Korea, Mr. Kim Shin-Jong.
The Plenary session of the APEC Ministers Responsible for Mining Meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 14, followed by Sustainable Development Workshops for the mining sector on February 15. Ministers will take part in a field visit to the Alcoa Australia alumina mine and refining facility on Friday.
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