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Senior APEC Business Leaders to Meet in Seattle from Sunday

APEC Business Advisory Council Singapore | 23 February 2007
Senior business leaders from around the Asia-Pacific will meet in Seattle over the coming week to look at options for strengthening business environment in the Asia Pacific region from a variety of perspectives.
Discussions will cover a wide range of issues that are critical to maintaining robust growth in APEC economies. These will include strengthening regulatory environments and the adoption of more comprehensive standards, improving transparency and fighting corruption, strengthening financial markets, supporting SME growth, strengthening intellectual property protection, and encouraging innovation.
The APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) is made up of leading business representatives that are chosen by the Leaders of APEC Member Economies.
The Seattle meeting will take place on February 25-28.
For media, event organizers can make arrangements for press interviews with the Council's leadership and other members upon request. A Photo opportunity is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on Monday, February 26, at the Grand Hyatt Seattle.
This will be the first of three ABAC meetings taking place around the region in 2007 to look at ways to improve regional trade and to prepare a series of recommendations that will be presented to APEC Leaders when they meet in Sydney, Australia, in September.
The recommendations for Leaders will provide a number of ideas from business relating to further improving the business environment, and helping to ensure continued strong economic growth in the region.
APEC's 21 Member Economies account for over half of global output and trade and are home to 60% of the world's population.
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