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APEC Education Resource Distributed To 3,000 Secondary Schools

APEC Secretariat Sydney, Australia | 17 April 2007
Australia has launched a new education resource for Australian secondary school students intended to deepen their knowledge of Australia's links with the Asia-Pacific region and the APEC forum.
In launching the new resource entitled "APEC: Strengthening our Community, Building a Sustainable Future," Australia's Foreign Minister the Hon. Alexander Downer, highlighted the importance of this educational resource during Australia's year as host of the APEC forum.
"It is important that young Australians learn more about the Asia-Pacific region and how APEC, the pre-eminent body for economic cooperation in the region, contributes to Australia's economic prosperity through its integration with the region," Mr. Downer said.
"Australia has benefited from dynamic regional economic growth, with APEC's 21 member economies accounting for 69 per cent of our total trade worth $250 billion a year.
"There is no doubt that Australia's future lies in deepening our understanding of the region, and creating even stronger links with the people of our region."
The educational resource will be distributed to around 3,000 schools in Australia.
APEC: Strengthening our Community, Building a Sustainable Future introduces young people to APEC in an easily accessible form and in a way that fits into their existing studies of regional and global issues. It has been researched and written by leading curriculum specialist Mr. Robert Baker of Curriculum Corporation.
The Asia Education Foundation is running a Professional Development program for teacher-trainers and teachers. State and Territory education authorities and specialist teaching associations were consulted in the preparation of the resource.
As host this year, Australia is staging more than 30 major APEC meetings spanning more than 100 days and involving over 15,000 delegates. These events are being held in every capital city and several major regional centres and they will engage Australia ever closer with our region. The year will culminate in the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting in Sydney on 8-9 September.
A background paper to the initiative is available.