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Business Report to APEC Leaders

APEC Business Advisory Council Sydney, Australia | 06 August 2007
Business leaders in the Asia Pacific have called on APEC Leaders to continue to improve international competitiveness to maintain robust economic growth in their economies and in the region. They have also identified climate change and energy security as fundamental issues for business which require attention from policy-makers.
In presenting the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) 2007 Report to APEC Economic Leaders today to the Hon. John Howard, Australian Prime Minister and 2007 APEC Chair, the ABAC Chair, Mark Johnson said that while business conditions in the Asia Pacific are strong, APEC economies need to also focus on the challenges that climate change brings.
"Energy security and the impact of climate change on our communities and businesses are important issues for ABAC," Mr Johnson said.
"We welcome the initiative of the 2007 APEC Chair to put clean development and climate change at the forefront of the APEC agenda for Sydney in September.
"ABAC believes energy security and climate change are inextricably linked. APEC's role should be to foster policies that deliver a sound investment and regulatory framework to all the communities in the region, and to allow businesses to play its part through innovation and delivery of energy efficient technologies.
"ABAC also continues to highlight to APEC Leaders its frustration with the inability of the WTO to secure a practical outcome from the Doha Trade Negotiations. Business is moving to support alternative ideas to drive liberalisation in the region," said Mr Johnson.
ABAC has also identified a number of priorities, including harmonisation of standards, labour mobility and APEC reform in its Report.
ABAC comprises three senior business representatives from each of the 21 APEC economies. ABAC Members will engage APEC Leaders on these issues when they meet in Sydney next month as part of the APEC Leaders Week.