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Senior Officials Prepare for APEC Peru 2008

Informal Senior Officials' Meeting Lima, Peru | 29 November 2007
Senior Officials from APEC's member economies have met to discuss key aspects of the 2008 APEC agenda with Peru presenting a theme for the year that highlights the social dimension of free trade and investment.
Taking place in Lima on November 27-29, the Informal Senior Officials' Meeting (ISOM) discussed APEC's work program over the coming year including action to conclude current WTO negotiations, facilitate structural reform and strengthen human security.
Chair of the 2008 APEC Senior Officials Meetings, Ambassador Gonzalo Gutierrez, said Leaders issued clear directions when they met in Sydney that will serve as the basis of the APEC Peru work agenda.
"Support for the multilateral trading system and the conclusion of WTO negotiations, examining options for a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific, advancing structural reform and strengthening human security remain among our highest priorities," Ambassador Gutierrez said.
"The interlinked challenges posed in dealing with climate change, energy security and clean development are also important issues for the year ahead."
Ambassador Gutierrez said the theme for APEC Peru 2008, "A new commitment to the development of the Asia-Pacific," is intended to elevate attention to the social dimension of free trade and economic growth.
"APEC is in a position to not only strengthen trade and investment in the region, but to ensure the benefits are shared between all of our people," Ambassador Gutierrez said.
"Our region is home to several of the most powerful economies in the world and is also home to developing and emerging societies. We hope to facilitate broader access to the wealth that is being generated in our region.
"APEC Peru 2008 will seek to develop opportunities to help people who have the potential but not the means to access formal education. We will continue working closely with small and medium enterprises to access new technologies and continue supporting technical cooperation programs to help bridge the digital divide."
Ambassador Gutierrez said that APEC Peru 2008 will also continue to work on eradicating corruption in the region as part of this development agenda.
"Corruption is a significant behind-the-border impediment to trade that undermines job growth and prevents people from realizing business opportunities," Ambassador Gutierrez said.
"Regardless of whether it is in public administration or the private sector, corruption cannot be tolerated and our member economies are united in our plans to deal with people involved in these illegal activities."
APEC Peru 2008 formally begins with a Senior Officials meeting in Lima on February 20, followed by a range of ministerial meetings, workshops, symposiums and other events that will culminate with the APEC Leaders' Meeting in Lima on November 22.