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Innovation and technology to sustain SMEs amid global crisis

APEC Secretariat Singapore | 25 May 2009
Singapore, 26 May 2009 - The little guys always get hit the hardest, or so says conventional wisdom. But, according to some experts: It doesn't have to be that way anymore.
An APEC seminar featuring speakers from Microsoft, Dell Global, Intel Asia, eBay/Paypal and other corporate legends will explore ways for SMEs to actually take advantage of the precarious times that have brought many of the world's most established players to their knees.
"The time is ideal for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to take advantage of both advances in information technology and the drastic reduction in costs," insists Michael Mudd, Comp TIA Director of Public Policy, Asia-Pacific.
Mudd explains that: "Ten years ago, Google moved out of a garage to a small office and had just eight employees; eBay was a domestic US classified ad service; five years ago Facebook and Myspace did not exist; two years ago Software as a service (SaaS) was virtually unknown. All of these advances hold out a promise for the SMEs that are creative enough to use them. We need to listen to what is happening globally and design a relevant program with inputs from Government, Academia and Industry."
The APEC SME Technology Entrepreneur Seminar, held on the cusp of APEC SME Working Group meetings, will take place in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, 3 - 5 June, at the KLCC Hotel and Spa.
The global economic crisis is an important factor. Discussions will address the central theme, Innovation and Technology - The Sustaining Power of SMES in the Global Economic Crisis, and much debate is anticipated.
To learn more about the SME Working Group, go to:
Media wishing to register for the seminar should contact:
Amril Norman at [email protected] with copy to [email protected]