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Sustainability dominates APEC Mining Task Force discussions

APEC Secretariat Sapporo, Japan | 25 May 2010
Sapporo, Japan, 26 May 2010 - Kicking off two weeks of meetings by APEC working groups and officials which will culminate in the meeting of
APEC Trade Ministers on 5-6 June, the APEC Mining Task Force has considered its role in APEC's new Growth Strategy for the region.
As a contributor to the long-term strategy, which focuses on growth that is balanced, inclusive, sustainable, and knowledge-based, the region-wide task force has outlined its own contribution as follows:
Balanced Growth
The MTF will strengthen policy dialogue and identify best practices for regulatory and structural reforms in the mining sector. It will continue to advance trade and investment liberalisation and facilitation; for example by encouraging members to implement APEC's Ease-of-Doing-Business Action Plan as it relates to mining and metallurgy.
Sustainable growth
Work on identifying principles for, and best practices in, sustainable development in mining will continue. A three-day workshop titled, "Balancing Competing Demands of Mining, Community and the Environment to achieve Sustainable Development," will be held in Korea later in 2010. The focus will be on building members' capacity in mine rehabilitation and reclamation, and on helping members implement policies that incorporate consideration of the environmental and social implications of mining.
Other projects such as "Capacity Building on Sustainable Development Indicators for the Mining and Mineral Industry" and on "Building Capacity for Low Carbon Mining" were also proposed by members.
Inclusive growth
The MTF will identify members' capacity building needs with respect to mining, and carry out activities to fill the gaps. Members will also be encouraged to develop social resilience safety nets for workers in the mining and metallurgy sectors.
Knowledge-based growth
The MTF will serve as a platform for members to exchange information on new technologies in mining, including those which improve environmental protection and energy efficiency.
About the Mining Task Force
APEC's Mining Task Force (MTF) comprises representatives from both government and the mining industry. The MTF works to achieve better outcomes for mining and the trade of mineral and metals in the APEC region through policy dialogue, research promotion, industry development, capacity building and the liberalisation of trade and investment.