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APEC launches new statistics portal: StatsAPEC

Singapore | 30 June 2010
Singapore, 1 July 2010 - Today APEC launched its new statistics portal, StatsAPEC. StatsAPEC is the only consolidated source of trade, financial and socio-economic data on APEC's 21 member economies.*
StatsAPEC can be accessed at The data dates back to APEC's inception in 1989 and can be exported to Microsoft Excel for further analysis.
As a result of this new portal, business people, government officials, the media, researchers, students and the public-at-large now have free access to an extensive database of statistics.
StatsAPEC is made up of two databases:
  1. The Key Indicators Database
  2. The Bilateral Linkages Database

The Key Indicators Database includes over 120 trade, financial and socio-economic indicators, allowing for detailed analysis of trends in the APEC region. The indicators cover areas such as:

  • Gross domestic product
  • Population
  • Unemployment
  • Education levels
  • CO2 omissions

The Bilateral Linkages Database facilitates detailed analysis of trade and investment flows within APEC and between APEC and the world. It includes statistics on items such as:

  • Merchandise trade
  • Foreign direct investment
  • Bank lending

Also, APEC aggregates are available for a broad range of indicators, making it easy to examine the region as a whole. APEC aggregates are a feature unique to StatsAPEC.

StatsAPEC has been developed by the APEC Policy Support Unit. Other PSU work can be accessed here.

*APEC member economies: Australia; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Chile; China; Hong Kong, China;
Indonesia; Japan; Korea; Malaysia; Mexico; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea; Peru; Philippines;
Russia; Singapore; Chinese Taipei; Thailand; United States of America; and Viet Nam.

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