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VIDEO: Ministers share views on regional economic priorities

APEC Secretariat Bali, Indonesia | 07 October 2013

When Ministers met at the 25th APEC Ministerial Meeting on Saturday, they reviewed the current state of affairs in the Asia-Pacific, ahead of the upcoming Leaders’ meeting.

Ministers discuss their economy’s priorities and their commitment to deepen the region’s efforts towards attaining the Bogor Goals, promoting connectivity, and achieving sustainable growth with equity.

Gita Wirjawan, Indonesia's Minister of Trade (English)

“There was a consolidation of views among trade ministers for APEC and the upcoming Ministerial Conference of the WTO. All of these discussions have been very positive and I think this will have a huge impact both on the bilateral and multilateral fronts,” said Gita Wirjawan.

Alvaro Jana, Chile's Vice Minister of Trade (English and Spanish)

“APEC has been an incubator for trade promotion and trade localization and it has enhanced and multiplied the possibilities for economies like Chile to enter into regional trade,” said Alvaro Jana.

Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal, Mexico's Secretary of Economy (English)

“The new Mexican government has made a very explicit strategy to link the Mexican economy to the Asian economy. For us, APEC is the best organization for us to expand our ties to Asia,” said Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal.

Tim Groser, New Zealand's Minister of Trade (English)

“We are making enormous progress, piece by piece, breaking down barriers to economic integration,” said Tim Groser.

Blanca Silva Velarde-Alvarez, Peru's Minister for Foreign Commerce and Tourism(English and Spanish)

“One topic that is the most important in the last year is Connectivity….especially to promote the integration of people and governments,” Blanca Silva Velarde-Alvarez.

Adrian S. Cristobal, Philippines Undersecretary, Department of Trade and Industry (English)

“Addressing the developing gaps among member economies is very important for the Philippines. We believe in supporting inclusive growth to make sure everybody benefits from economic growth in region,” said Adrian Cristobal.

Niwattumrong Boonsongpaisan, Thailand's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce (English and Thai)

“Connectivity would promote growth of the whole region and the world. Thailand has invested a lot in infrastructure connectivity for the ASEAN region that definitely will have results in the APEC region,” said Niwattumrong Boonsongpaisan.

Michael Froman, United States Trade Representative (English)

“Efforts APEC has taken over the last decade….have been ground breaking and have helped strengthen the multilateral trading system,” said Michael Froman.

High resolution sound bites of the Ministers and b-roll can also be downloaded at the APEC Online Media Center:

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For further information please contact:

APEC Secretariat Communications, David Hendrickson, E-mail: [email protected]Mobile: +65 9137 3886; or Michael Chapnick, e-Mail: [email protected] Mobile: +65 9647 4847