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APEC Trade Ministers adopt Qingdao Statement

APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade Meeting Qingdao, People's Republic of China | 18 May 2014

APEC Trade Ministers concluded their two-day meeting on Sunday by issuing a Qingdao Statement describing actions for improving trade and economic growth across the Asia-Pacific. The Statement includes the following chapters:

  • The Global Economy: An Asia-Pacific Partnership that Looks into the Future and Beyond the Region
  • Continuing Support for the Multilateral Trading System
  • Advancing Regional Economic Integration
    • Bogor Goals
    • Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP)
    • Global Value Chain
    • Supply Chain Connectivity
    • Next Generation Trade and Investment Issues
    • Environmental Goods and Services
    • Intellectual Property Rights
    • Services
    • Investment
    • Industry Dialogues
    • Regulatory Cooperation
  • Promoting Innovative Development, Economic Reform and Growth
  • Strengthening Comprehensive Connectivity and Infrastructure Development
  • Economic and Technical Cooperation
  • Strengthening APEC
  • Towards Yanqi Lake

Trade Ministers also adopted a standalone statement: Continuing Support for the Multilateral Trading System

The Qingdao Statement can be downloaded at this link.

The standalone statement can be downloaded at this link. 

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For more details or to arrange possible media interviews, please contact:

David Hendrickson +65 9137 3886 at [email protected]
Michael Chapnick +65 9647 4847 at [email protected]

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