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APEC Study Centers offer policy recommendations to Ministers

The APEC Study Centers Consortium Beijing, People's Republic of China | 09 November 2014

The APEC Study Centers Consortium, representing a network of universities and research institutes across the Asia-Pacific, presented its first-ever policy recommendation letter to Ministers at the APEC Ministerial Meeting on Saturday.

In the letter, the APEC Study Centers Consortium outlined a policy framework for achieving APEC’s priorities of regional economic integration, the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP), innovative development, economic reform and growth, and comprehensive connectivity and infrastructure development.

“Important ideas for Asia-Pacific regional economic integration such as the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) originally came from academic research at the APEC Study Centers Consortium,” said Dr Liu Chenyang, Chair of the APEC Study Centers Consortium 2014.

“We believe APEC has the responsibility and is capable of playing a more active and effective role in realizing the FTAAP. APEC is expected to develop an FTAAP framework that defines the goals, principles, standards and content of the agreement,” explained Dr Liu, elaborating on some of the policy recommendations presented to Ministers.  

Academics at APEC Study Centers have been conducting independent policy research on the feasibility and possible pathways to realizing the FTAAP as well proposing a possible framework for implementation.

“We also believe comprehensive connectivity and infrastructure development cooperation will improve the quality and effectiveness of Asia-Pacific regional economic integration and substantially strengthen the implementation of free trade agreements in the region,” said Dr Liu. 

APEC Study Centers recommend that APEC take practical measures to promote investment in infrastructure through Public-Private Partnerships as well as by promoting services trade liberalization and facilitation.

“This policy recommendation letter to APEC Ministers is part of an effort to enhance the role of the APEC Study Centers Consortium in the APEC policymaking process, particularly through providing their expertise and advice,” explained Dr Alan Bollard, Executive Director of the APEC Secretariat.

“Every year, academics at the APEC Study Centers conduct important policy research on APEC issues which can be leveraged by Ministers and officials as they develop APEC’s agenda and initiatives,” added Bollard.

With more than 50 APEC Study Centers hosted at universities and research institutes in 20 APEC member economies, the APEC Study Centers Consortium undertakes independent policy research and facilitates debate and discussion on APEC issues, initiatives and processes in support of APEC’s goals.

To read the APEC Study Centers Consortium Letter to Ministers, APEC Study Centers Consortium here.

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For further details, or to arrange possible media interviews, please contact: 

Jennifer Juo +65 9721-8660 at [email protected]

Michael Chapnick +65 9647 4847 at [email protected]

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