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The Impact of Subregionalism on APEC, 1997

Published Date November 1997
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committees, Economic Committee (EC)
Accessed 6296
Pages 78
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This study examines in both theoretical and empirical terms the interaction between trade and investment liberalization on a subregional basis through agreements such as NAFTA, AFTA and CER as well as through informal “growth triangles” and more broadlybased liberalization through APEC and the WTO.

  • Foreword
  • Executive Summary
  • Chpater 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Issues Raised by Subregional Trade Arrangements
  • Chapter 3: Subregional Trade Arrangements in APEC
  • Chapter 4: Contribution of SRTAs & Growth Triangles to Trade Liberalization
  • Chapter 5: Prospects for SRTAs & Growth Triangles
  • Chapter 6: Conclusions