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The Impact of Trade Liberalization in APEC, 1997

Published Date November 1997
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committees, Economic Committee (EC)
Accessed 7242
Pages 69
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This study uses computable general equilibrium (CGE) model simulations to assess the impact of APEC’s trade and investment liberalization and facilitation measures as set out in the Manila Action Plan for APEC (MAPA). The study concludes that implementation of MAPA by APEC member economies will bring substantial income and trade benefits.

  • Foreword
  • Executive Summary
  • Chapter 1: APEC Trade Liberalization & Facilitation Measures
  • Chapter 2: Theoretical Frameworks & Qualitative Assessments
  • Chapter 3: Quantitative Assessment of the Impact of Trade Liberalization & Facilitation
  • Chpater 4: Conclusion & Recommendations