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APEC Economies Beyond the Asian Crisis: Building the Future of APEC Economies "Move Forward on the New Economy and Entrepreneurship", 2000

Published Date December 2000
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committees, Economic Committee (EC)
Accessed 5715
Pages 178
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The Economic Committee began a major research project titled “APEC Economies beyond the Asian Crisis” in early 1999. The “Beyond-the-Crisis project” aims to highlight the factors shaping the future of APEC member economies, and outline likely scenarios for growth and trade in the APEC region.

  • Introduction: Learning from the Crisis, Seizing the New Economy
  • Remaining Challenges from the Asian Crisis
  • Emerging Challenges of the New Economy
  • The Renewed Importance of Entrepreneurship
  • APEC Cooperation Building the Future of APEC Economies
  • Prospects of APEC Economies for the Next Decade
  • Individual Reports
  • Appendix