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New Economy and APEC, 2001

Published Date December 2001
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committees, Economic Committee (EC)
Accessed 6212
Pages 208
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This Report goes forward from the Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE) report of 2000 to examine what structural policies underpin a “knowledge-based economy”. More importantly, it goes one step beyond the individual members of APEC by considering what might be the implications for the forum as a whole of the potential divergence of productivity and economic growth that comes with differential paces of structural reform among the APEC membership.

  • Executive Summary
  • The Fundamentals: Definition and Policy Underpinnings of the New Economy
  • The Evidence: Benefits and Challenges of the New Economy
  • Case Studies of the New Economy in APEC
  • Implications of New Economy Divergence: Digital Divide
  • Analytical Conclusions
  • Appendices