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APEC-OECD Integrated Checklist on Regulatory Reform

Published Date September 2005
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committees, Economic Committee (EC)
Accessed 9594
Pages 40
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THE APEC-OECD CO-OPERATIVE INITIATIVE ON REGULATORY REFORM is a Joint Activity of the OECD Regulatory Reform Programme (Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development) and the APEC Competition Policy and Deregulation Group (CPDG) convened by the Federal Competition Commission of Mexico.

THE CHECKLIST IS THEREFORE AN INTEGRATED SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL, IN THREE SENSES. First, it integrates the APEC and OECD principles on regulatory reform. Second, it integrates the three policy areas – competition, rule-making and market openness – to provide a coherent whole-of-government view. Third, it integrates governance perspectives – transparency, accountability and performance.
A. Horizontal criteria concerning regulatory reform
B. Regulatory policy
C. Competition policy and law
D. Market openness policies
Matrix: The APEC-OECD integrated checklist