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The Ease of Doing Business in APEC: The Impact of Regulatory Reforms

Published Date August 2009
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committees, Economic Committee (EC)
Accessed 27088
Pages 200
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This study has three aims: (i) to measure the impact of formal regulations and regulatory changes on aggregate economic outcomes; (ii) to assess the impact of regulatory enforcement across locations and firms; and (iii) to draw lessons from eight economy case studies by evaluating those dimensions of reforms that lie beyond narrowly defined quantitative indicators.

Executive Summary
Part I: Impact on Aggregate Economic Outcomes:
Evidence from Doing Business Data
Doing Business Database and Impact of Regulatory Burdens and Reforms
Evidence on the Impact of Regulatory Burdens
Evidence on the Impact of Regulatory Reforms
Capturing the Impact of Regulatory Reforms
Data Appendix: Sources and Measurement
Methodology Appendix A: The Impact of Regulatory Burdens on Industry Investment
Methodology Appendix B: The Impact of Regulatory Reforms on Economy Performance

Part II: Impact of Regulations on Firm Performance: Evidence from Enterprise Surveys on de facto Measures of Regulations
Data: Enterprise Surveys
I. How large a gap is there between de facto and de jure measures of regulations?
II. Can regulations help explain firm outcomes?

Part III: Case Studies
Overview of Case Studies
The 2005 Company Law of China
Korean Customs and Border-Related Trade Reforms
Reform of the Real Estate Industry in Malaysia
Business Registration Reform in Mexico
Peru’s Secured Transactions Reform: Bringing More Credit to the Private Sector?
Credit Reporting Systems – A Case Study of the Philippines
Tax Administration Reform in Thailand
Land Titling Reforms in Viet Nam