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Biofuel Transportation and Distribution Options for APEC Economies

Published Date May 2011
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 19832
Pages 165
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The main objective of this project is to develop criteria and best practices for cost-effective expansion of the infrastructure needed to transport and distribute biofuels as biofuels markets expand.

The project report is divided into four chapters to analyse and evaluate current and potential transport and distribution options for biofuels in APEC economies:
- Chapter 1 provides background information on biofuels transportation and distribution.
- Chapter 2 discusses issues related to bioethanol and biodiesel transportation.
- Chapter 3 develops a methodology for analysis of biofuel transportation and distribution. 
- Chapter 4 describes metrics for evaluating infrastructure needs.

Statistics and data for APEC member economies are presented in the appendices, covering current production, feedstocks, and potential production or requirements based on mandates.
1. Introduction
2. Biofuels transportation and distribution considerations
3. Approach to analysis of biofuel transportation and distribution options
4. Metrics for evaluating biofuel infrastructure options
5. Summary and conclusions