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Final report for CEEDS Phase 2: Building Energy Codes and Labeling

1165-Cover-CEEDS Phase 2
Published Date May 2011
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 18318
Pages 70
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Phase 2 of the APEC Cooperative Energy Efficiency Design for Sustainability (CEEDS) project, organized by the Asia Pacific Economic Research Centre (APERC), focused on building energy codes and energy labeling for construction materials and whole buildings.

The sections of this report review the main topics discussed at the workshop by the participating economies and invited international code experts.
1. Executive Summary
2. Why Focus on Energy Codes and Energy Labeling of Building Products and Whole-Buildings?
3. Estimating Energy Savings from Building Energy Codes and Complementary Programs
4. Characteristics of an Effective Energy Codes Program
5. Developing a Compliance Roadmap and Business Case
6. Relation of Building Codes to Other Programs & Policies
7. Key Challenges in Implementing Building Energy Codes and Labeling
8. Lessons Learned
9. Future Building Code Opportunities for APEC Economies
10. Regional Cooperation on Codes & Labeling
11. Appendixes