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Strategic Approach to Sustainable Capacity Building

1175-Cover_HRD 01-2009T
Published Date July 2011
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG)
Accessed 69252
Pages 74
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Strategic Approach to Sustainable Capacity Building: Meeting the Challenges of Regional Integration in APEC.
This report summarizes the results of a project designed to assess past APEC capacity-building carried out under the auspices of the Human Resources Development Working Group and to develop a medium term strategic framework to guide future projects.
1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
3. Background on the Project
4. Outline of the Report
5. What is meant by 'Capacity Building'?
6. Lessons from the HRD-WG 'Stocktaking'
7. Conceptual Framework for Assessing Capacity Building Efforts
8. Critical Success Factors for Programming Capacity Building Activities
9. Substantive Issues to Consider in Developing a Strategic Framework for Future Capacity Building Activities
10. Articulating the Strategic Framework
11. Strategic Capacity Building Project: Review and Recommendations for Consideration