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International APEC Symposium on APEC-ATCWG Biofuels Network Annual Symposium and Biotrade/Technical Training Workshop

Published Date August 2011
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Agricultural Technical Cooperation Working Group (ATCWG)
Accessed 15116
Pages 223
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This report presents the presentation papers and discussion held at the above symposium. This symposium will provide a discussion platform to all APEC economies. The goal of the symposium is to promote the awareness and understanding of non-food based biofuels potential of biotrade among the developed and developing APEC economies which accelerate the synergistic cooperation and networking towards the sustainable development and commercialization while mitigating the impact on food security by building on the completed work or underway by the Biofuels Task Force.
1. Introduction
2. Symposium relevancy to APEC priorities
3. Key issues and important findings
4. Symposium papers
- Ethanol And Higher Value Fermentation Products from Lignocellulosic Raw Materials
- Current Status of Bio-Fuels Development in Chile
- Advances In Biodiesel Production In Chile:
- The Development Status and Perspective of Biofuels In China
- A Way to Enhance The Biomass Productivity of Microalgae Scenedesmus in a Novel Hybrid Cultivation System
- Updates on Indonesian Biofuel Development Program
- Role of Rice Straw Potential for Bioenergy in Indonesia as Substituted Gasoline and Reducing of Environmental Problem
- Microbial Hydrogen Production State of The Art and Challenges For Its Industrial Exploitation
- Disintegration of Lignocellulosic Biomass for 2nd Generation Biofuels & Biorefineries
- Potential of Using Organic Fertilizer to Culture Chlorella Vulgaris for Biodiesel Production
- Biofuels in Peru Current Situation and Perspectives
- Biofuels in Peru Current Situation and Perspectives 2
- Towards Lignocellulosic Ethanol Production Current Development and Collaboration in Khon Kaen University
- Study on Woody Waste Pretreatment for Cellulosic Ethanol Production
- Current Status of Bio-Fuels Development in Viet Nam
- Challenges and Opportunities of The Production of Biofuels in Mexico
- Current Status and Perspectives of Biofuels in Mexico - Assessing The Biofuel Potential Of Philippine Microalga Isolates
- Biofuels Development Trends In The Philippines