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A Review of Potential Countermeasures for Motorcycle and Scooter Safety across APEC

Published Date September 2011
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Transportation Working Group (TPTWG)
Accessed 12845
Pages 66
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This report assesses the potential road safety measures that can be used to address these issues and selects measures that could feasibly and effectively be implemented across the Asia Pacific Economic Communities (APEC). The scope of the report is confined to on-road motorcycle riding.

In this report, motorcycle safety measures are classified according to their role: (1) preventing crashes, (2) reducing the severity of injury in the event of a crash or (3) improving treatment of injured persons.
Full title: A Review of Potential Countermeasures for Motorcycle and Scooter Safety across APEC for Project: Compendium of Best Practices on Motorcycle and Scooter Safety
Executive summary
1. Introduction
2. A framework for safety initiatives
3. Road user measures to prevent crashes
4. Rider measures to reduce injury severity
5. Vehicle measures to prevent crashes
6. Vehicle measures to reduce injury severity
7. Road improvements to prevent crashes
8. Road improvements to reduce injury severity
9. Measures to improve treatment of injuries
10. Selected rider and driver measures to prevent crashes