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Independent Assessment of the APEC Fisheries Working Group and APEC Marine Resource Conversion Working Group

Published Date September 2011
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committees, SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE)
Accessed 15391
Pages 82
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The purpose of this independent assessment is to review the activities and outputs of the Fisheries Working Group (FWG) and Marine Resource Conservation Working Group (MRCWG), and develop recommendations to: (1) assist in selecting an appropriate approach to oversee, assist, and guide each working groups (or a would-be-merged groups’) abilities to support and sustain the APEC goals and objectives and the SCE ECOTECH priorities more effectively and efficiently; and (2) provide additional guidance to working group operations, processes and work activities etc.
1. Executive Summary
2. Background
3. Assessment Methodology
4. FWG and MRCWG work activities
5. Efficiency and effectiveness of FWG and MRCWG in supporting APEC goals/objectives
6. Efficiency and effectiveness of FWG and MRCWG projects and review of impacts by ECOTECH priority
7. Collaborative Areas of Work and exposure
8. Challenges and benefits in merging the FWG and MRCWG