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Phase 3 of Three-Phase Study on SME Internationalisation across APEC Economies

Published Date October 2011
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG)
Accessed 11848
Pages 240
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This study consists of three phases and is part of a long-term effort to identify and address the challenges faced by SMEs across APEC economies in the area of trade facilitation and market access.

In Phase 1 & 2, which was duly completed in May 2011, the project team studied existing models or platforms offered by key exporting APEC economies to identify best practices which could be adopted by APEC members and determine if there are gaps not addressed by current models. It also made broad recommendations on possible strategies and projects that could be taken up to enhance SMEs‘ access to global markets.

Phase 3 of the study, which is the subject of this paper, aims to take the project to the next level by examining thoroughly the gaps, recommended strategies and programme models that have been analysed.
1. Introduction
2. Phase 3
3. Mapping and Prioristing
4. Implemenation Options
5. Government Agencies Survey
6. Best Practices and Lessons Learnt
7. Recommendations
8. Conclusion