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Survey of Market Compliance Mechanisms for Energy Efficiency Programs in APEC Economies

1285-EWG 07-2010A_cover
Published Date June 2012
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 2804
Pages 132
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This report presents the work of the above project. The project aims to compile and disseminate information on monitoring, verification and enforcement (MV&E) processes used by regulatory and enforcement agencies to ensure compliance in S&L programs within APEC economies.

The findings in this report are based on responses to a survey of 18 APEC economies, presentations made to the 39th APEC EGEE&C meeting in February 2012 and discussions with the energy efficiency community in the APEC region.
1. Introduction
2. Research Methodology
3. Summaries of MV&E by Economy
4. Survey Findings
5. Comparison with Previous Surveys
6. Conclusions and Observations
7. Recommendations
8. References
Appendix - Questionnaires