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Stock-Take of Electric Vehicle Interface with Electricity and Smart Grids across APEC Economies and the Potential for Harmonisation

1320-Cover-ewg 11-2011
Published Date September 2012
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 3238
Pages 157
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This is a study of plug-in electric vehicles connectivity conditions. These PEV “connectivity conditions” such as current electric grid configurations and policies, standards and regulations for infrastructure and markets have a direct bearing on trade of PEVs and charging equipment between markets.
These connectivity conditions govern how PEV equipment may be used, and regional differences in connectivity conditions can thereby create barriers to trade between markets and impede PEV uptake across the Asia-Pacific region.
1. Introduction
2. Scope of Work and Methodology
3. Plug-in Electric Vehicles
4. Recharging Infrastructure
5. Electrical Grid Characteristics
6. Potential barriers for the trade of PEVs across APEC Economies
7. Opportunities to remove barriers to trade of PEVs
8. Conclusions
9. References
10. Appendices