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Guidebook on APEC Privacy and Trustmark

Published Date November 2012
Type of Publication Manuals
Publication Under CTI Sub-Fora & Industry Dialogues Groups, Digital Economy Steering Group (DESG)
Accessed 10101
Pages 47
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APEC economies endorse the principles-based APEC Privacy Framework as an important tool in encouraging the development of appropriate information privacy protections and ensuring the free flow of information in the Asia Pacific region.

The Framework is intended to provide clear guidance and direction to businesses in APEC economies on common privacy issues and the impact of privacy issues upon the way legitimate businesses are conducted. It does so by highlighting the reasonable expectations of the modern consumer that businesses will recognize their privacy interests in a way that is consistent with the Principles outlined in this Framework.
1. APEC privacy and trustmark

2. APEC cross-border privacy rules system