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The Application of Remote Sensing and GIS Technology on Crops Productivity

Published Date November 2012
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Agricultural Technical Cooperation Working Group (ATCWG)
Accessed 14959
Pages 128
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The workshop aims at ensuring participants to share experiences, expertise and lessons on the issues related to the application of remote sensing and GIS technology on crops productivity (especially food crops or specific priority crops, rice and wheat) and food security. This report is a set papers presented at the workshop.
List of Papers:
• Status of the Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Agricultural Monitoring in Australia
• Canadian Crop Yield Forecaster (CCYF)
• Supporting Agricultural Monitoring in APEC with FengYun Satellite Data
• Design of a Decision Support System for Suitability Regionalization of Conservation Tillage Based on GIS
• Temporal and Spatial Variability of Soil Nutrients in the county scale of Fujian
• Spatial Variability of Nutrient Properties in Soil of Jilin Middle Plain
• Yield Prediction for Winter Wheat in North China by Using IPCC-AR4 Model Data
• An Overview of the Use of Remote Sensing and GIS for Paddy Crop Monitoring and Yield
• Agricultural Monitoring by Earth Observation Satellite
• Monitoring of Paddy Rice Planting Using MODIS Data
• Use of Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in the Generation of Agricultural Statistics Construction of Sampling Frames
• Crop and Pest Modeling in a Climate Change Context
• Application of Remote Sensing and GIS Technology on Crops Productivity in the Philippines
• Application of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems on Crop Productivity in Papua New Guinea
• Application of Remote Sensing and GIS Technology on Crops Productivity among APEC Economies
• Mapping the Rice Cropping Systems Using Time Series Satellite Data
• Identifying Drivers of Land Use Change in China
• Rice Crop Monitoring using Multitemporal Data
• Clour Graph