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APEC Outcomes and Outlook 2012/2013

Published Date January 2013
Type of Publication Brochures
Publication Under APEC Secretariat
Accessed 18138
Pages 40
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In APEC Indonesia 2013, APEC meets under the theme “Resilient Asia-Pacific, Engine of Global Growth” and focuses on Attaining the Bogor Goals; Creating Sustainable Growth with Equity; and Promoting Connectivity. This publication also looks back at the outcomes of APEC Russia 2012 and the 20th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting at Vladivostok, Russia.

APEC Member Economies

Outcomes: APEC Russia 2012

2012 APEC Leaders Declaration: “Integrate to Grow, Innovate to Prosper”
Annex A: Towards Innovative Growth
Annex B: Strengthening APEC Energy Security
Annex C: APEC List of Environmental Goods
Annex D: Promoting Cross-Border Education Cooperation
Annex E: Fighting Corruption and Ensuring Transparency

Outlook: APEC Indonesia 2013

Key Meetings in 2013

APEC Milestones

About APEC

Key Contacts